Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Copper Tube and Pipe Bending

Most Copper pipe/ tube can be readily bent
and two main methods are employed. The
first uses bending springs and the second, a
pipe bending machine.
The simplest tool for bending pipe is the
bending spring. Bending springs are
normally used for thinner walls where the
pipe can be bent by hand. Two types of
spring are used: internal and external. Both
types of spring serve the same function; to
prevent the wall of the pipe from collapsing
during bending.
External springs are used for smaller
diameter copper piping (6 to 10mm
external diameter). As the name suggests,
the spring is fitted over the tube during the
bending operation. Internal springs are
placed inside the pipe during bending.
Each pipe size requires its own specific size
of spring.
All bending machines are different but the
principal is the same.
The bending machine is fitted with a
bending roller and former matched to the
size of the pipe. The pipe is secured at one
end and the lever handle of the machine
moved to bend the pipe around the former.